Kees Van Den Broek
CEO of ITSLanguage
Presentation of Sound Analysis Tool at NVLF Annual Conference 2023

"The Sound Analysis Tool (SAT) enables an analysis that I am not currently performing." This was said by one of the 380 attendees during the presentation of the SAT last month at the annual congress of the NVLF | Dutch Association for Speech Therapy and Phoniatrics. There, Kees van den Broek together with innovation advisor Yvonne van Vilsteren, from the Royal Auris Group, explained the functioning of the Sound Analysis Tool.
With the SAT, speech therapists and linguists can easily perform a phonological analysis based on a child's utterances (based on naming tasks or spontaneous language). The overview generated by the SAT provides insight into the sound development of a child, thereby providing input for treatment goals (or group goals).
"What a super handy tool," said a small independent speech therapy practice. Gaining insight into a child's sound development takes so much time that it is often not done in a structured and uniform manner.
Together with the Royal Auris Group, we developed the SAT. Since last summer, it has been available as a full-fledged tool for all speech therapists in the Netherlands. Over the coming years, Auris aims to further optimize and expand the SAT together with a user group and ITSLanguage. For example, by integrating with other systems such as BergOp and conducting a vowel sound analysis. For future plans and all functionalities, including e-learning, visit the SAT website: sat.itslanguage.nl.